Kumari Sonia is an Odia artist known for her works inspired by nature.
Kumari Sonia is a well known lady artist of Odisha. Right from her childhood, she has shown her artistic talents. She has started her career soon after her studentship at B. K. College of Art & Crafts, Bhubaneswar. Even though she is physically challenged, overcomes them when she plays through colour and ferns. Her field of work is quite wide, which goes beyond the limitations. Especially she works on water color, oil and acrylic medium. She emphasizes ethnic and cultural subjects, indoor and outdoor subjects and the romantic values in the Nature inspire her to find out pictorial and visual sensations. Inter woven line of colour, form, balance and texture play an important role of her creativity. Paintings are simple but multi-dimensional. Either it may be a flower or landscape, but everywhere she finds visual pleasure or a message at par with her contemporaries. Each particle of her colour treatment shines as if she sings and dances hilariously with the beauty of visual forms.